FAMA.gif (3324 bytes) Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan (FAMA)

     Fama adalah merupakan Badan yang menyelaraskan kegiatan-kegiatan   pemasaran hasil-hasil pertanian, memaju dan membangunkan pasaran dan saluran salurannya dan memajukan pengurusan perusahaan berasaskan pertanian.

      Misi Korporat FAMA ialah untuk menjadi sebuah agensi pemasaran hasil pertanian segar dan barangan asas tani, yang mampu bersaing, berdaya maju dan biaya diri. Peranan FAMA ialah untuk meningkat kan pembangunan pemasaran hasil pertanian segar dan barangan asas tani negara dan memaksimumkan pulangan kepada petani dan pengguna.


LKIM.gif (2400 bytes) Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM)
The fisheries Department of Malaysia was established in the year 1894 when a Colonial Fisheries Unit was created by the British government, under the jurisdiction of the Junior Secretary of the Federated Malay States and Straits settlement. The Fisheries Department of Malaysia is fully responsible for the overall management, administration and development of fisheries throughout the nation.
  • To increase the national fish production
  • To rationally manage fishery resources
  • To increase deep sea fishery industry
  • To speed up the growth of aquaculture
  • To maximise the income from the fishery industry

The Department Of Fisheries is responsible for the development and management of the national fishery sector.

  • To draw up the policies, strategies and development planning for the fishery industry in general.
  • To enforce the Fisheries Act 1985 and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Act 1984.
  • To manage, preserve and rehabilitate fishing resources.
  • To carry out fishery research
  • To give training to fishermen, farmers and down-stream industry entrepreneurs.
  • To carry out fishery extension.
  • To control fish diseases and quarantine.
  • To develop freshwater and recreational fishery.
  • To monitor the pollution of the fishery waters.


PERTANIAN.gif (1888 bytes) Jabatan Pertanian
    Our Mission is to Provide Quality and Efficient Service to Farmers, Entrepreneurs and the Private Sector on Crop Technology, Agro-based Industries and Regulatory Services related to increase National Agricultural Productivity.

    To provide consultancy, technical support and advisory services in various agricultural fields, particularly in food crops and agro-processing industries to ensure sufficient food production.

    To guide and develop successful agricultural entrepreneurs in order to increase farm productivity and the national agricultural production. To develop trained and skilled manpower in the agricultural sector.

    To protect agricultural crops from pests and diseases through crop protection programmes and plant quarantine services. To ensure the production of food crops which are safe for consumption and to protect the environment through the control of pesticides.

    To control plant and germplasm materials of economic importance from being freely taken out of the country.


LPP.gif (3128 bytes) Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang(LPP)

Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang (LPP) ialah sebuah badan berkanun di bawah Kementerian Pertanian yang ditubuhkan untuk menggembeleng peladang di luar bandar dengan menggalakkan penyertaan mereka di dalam institusi peladang. Di sini anda akan mengetahui bukan hanya mengenai LPP sebagai agensi yang memenangi anugerah tetapi lebih mengenai para peladang.